
Why study biology?

Biology isn't just about memorizing facts. It's also about exploration of natural life, experiential learning and fascination with the natural world.

  • Biology students have access to some of the best clinical facilities around as Sioux Falls is a regional medical hub.
  • Present-day biology regularly uses chemistry, mathematics and physics as tools, so Augustana provides students with a sound background in these basic fields as well.
Biology at AU

Biology at AU

Virtual Cadaver Table at AU

Augustana University has one of only a few known Anatomage Virtual Cadaver tables in the region. The Anatomage table is state-of-the-art technology that allows students to explore, discover and study the human body. The table offers the most realistic virtual cadaver with stunning visualization of full-body anatomy in life-size.

Virtual Cadaver Table at AU

Virtual Cadaver Table at AU

Course Descriptions

Major Map


Related Program of Study

Related Pre-Professional Programs




Latest News

JaVian Farr ‘24, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in biology, was chosen as Augustana’s 2024 Commencement speaker. How to navigate through adversity is what Farr hopes to convey to his fellow classmates on Saturday, May 18, at Kirkeby-Over Stadium.

The Augustana Student Association (ASA) honored three professors with the ASA Faculty of the Year Award on Monday, April 29. The award is given annually for excellence in teaching and distinguished service to the students of Augustana University. Along with writing thank you notes to professors, ASA asks fellow students to nominate their favorite AU faculty member for the awards. 

Augustana is excited to once again host its annual Arthur Olsen Student Research Symposium, set to take place on Saturday, April 13, at the Froiland Science Complex, located on the university’s campus.


Biology at AU

Biology at AU


Graduates secured careers as zoologists, researchers, physicians, dentists, occupational therapists, optometrists, political lobbyists, quality control specialists and technical writers. 

Hands-On Learning

Internship opportunities include:

  • Avera or Sanford Health
  • Great Plains Zoo
  • Butterfly House & Aquarium
  • South Dakota Bureau of Personnel, including Department of Environment & Natural Resources and Game, Fish, & Parks
  • Vance Thompson Vision

Biology students study away in:

  • Florida and the Gulf Coast — focusing on marine biology with AU faculty
  • Kenya — focusing on global food insecurity and education with AU faculty
  • Guatemala and Belize — focusing on tropical ecology and Spanish immersion with AU faculty
  • San Jose, Costa Rica — at Universidad Veritas

Courses & Organizations

Students can choose to emphasize in these areas:

  • Neuroscience — provides students who wish to pursue neuroscience-related careers in medicine and research a strong foundation in the natural sciences with interdisciplinary explorations of psychology or philosophy
  • Cell & molecular biology — helps students interested in learning about the molecular and biochemical underpinnings of health and disease achieve careers in health professions or research in genetics, developmental biology, immunology, microbiology or physiology
  • Ecology & environmental science — supports the career goals of students interested in doing research in evolutionary, ecological or organismal biology, or working in environmental, conservation or resource management sciences
  • Allied health — benefits students interested in pre-physical therapy, pre-occupational therapy, pre-chiropractic and pre-optometry

Biology students often participate in:

  • Tri-Beta Honor Society
  • Biology Club
  • Augie Green
  • Pre-Medicine Club
  • Kidney Disease Screening and Awareness Program