
By Jill Wilson | October 07, 2021
Virtual Cadaver Technology

AU's Health Sciences Receives Virtual Cadaver

Greg and Karen SchultzAugustana University alumnus Greg Schultz ‘74, 谁是该地区第一个训练有素的合格血管外科医生, believes that eventually virtual cadavers will, in most instances, take the place of the real thing. And, now, Augustana has one; one of only two known Anatomage Virtual Cadaver 南达科他州的餐桌,也是该地区为数不多的餐桌之一.

解剖桌是最先进的技术,让学生探索, discover and study the human body. 桌子提供了最真实的虚拟尸体与令人惊叹的可视化的全身解剖在真人大小.

“I have not seen it anywhere,” said Schultz, 苏福尔斯桑福德血管协会的血管外科医生, 谁致力于开发尖端技术. “当我们有机会去体验它时,我觉得这太棒了. I just reflect on how we continue to learn differently. When I initially started my medical training, there were no CAT Scans, there were no MRIs and, now, we are learning virtually. As a result of this technology, people in the future will look back and say, ‘Yeah, they actually used to work on real cadavers.’” 

Virtual Cadaver 212bet游戏平台学院的教职员工开始梦想一具虚拟尸体. Steven Matzner ‘90, professor of biology, 在宾夕法尼亚州参加完一个会议后,我带了一张照片回来. Along with Matzner, Drs. Paul Egland, Jennifer A.A. 古贝尔斯和马克·拉尔森聚在一起申请了一笔资助,他们从 Oliver Innovation Fund. Schultz, and his wife, Karen (Devick) Schultz ‘75, a music major whose parents were also Augustana graduates, 今年春天,他把剩下的钱用来购买虚拟尸体桌.

“我和我的妻子从12bet游戏平台的丰富教育经历中受益良多. In my liberal arts education, 我真正学会了如何学习,这为我进入医学领域做好了准备,因为医生确实是永远的学生,” said Greg. “作为一个从12bet游戏平台的教育经历中收获良多的人, 赠送这种教育工具是很有意义的,因为它可能会激发奥古斯塔的杰出教师和有天赋的学生.”

Gubbels, associate professor of biology, said for a long time, 12bet游戏平台的解剖学课程使用猫尸体作为学习工具. With those becoming harder to come by, the classes switched to utilizing rabbits, 因为兔子和人类的术语并不总是一样的,这给教师的教学带来了一个问题. Instead, 解剖表允许人们以最高的精度可视化人类和/或动物解剖.

Karen and Greg Schultz at AU in 1973

“他们从真实的尸体上取下薄片,对其成像,然后将这些图像整合到计算机软件中,” said Assistant Professor of Biology Dr. 凯文·纳图昆达(Kevin Natukunda)拥有农业和护理学学士学位,以及博士学位.D. 在遗传学方面,最初是在虚拟尸体上训练的. “You can actually see the heart beating. 如果我们观察某块骨头,我们可以旋转它,看到所有的角度,因为这是三维的. You can also isolate different features.

解剖台预装了软件,使学生能够“解剖”和探索人体的内部工作精确和细节. Students can repeatedly ‘dissect’ the cadavers, 互动和学习解剖系统和结构,以更好地理解解剖学, physiology and pathophysiology.”

“就像尸体躺在桌子上,”Gubbels补充道. “... 一个真人大小的电脑屏幕,你可以俯视,但它也可以投影. So, if the instructor is doing something on the table, 它被投射到教室的屏幕上,这样全班都能看到你在看什么.”

Virtual Cadaver 5几个月前,虚拟尸体被送到了学校, faculty say they will keep working with the technology to begin incorporating it into more and more courses; not just anatomy courses, 但是发育生物学和生理学——仅举几例.

“我特别兴奋的是,这种教育经验可以很容易地应用于其他研究领域,比如物理治疗, athletic training, 护理甚至牙科——这些领域以前都没有接触过尸体解剖,” Greg said.

Despite the technology, Natukunda和Gubbels说,社会科学和自然科学仍然可以结合在一起. Even though the cadaver is virtual, 他们认识到,并一直试图让学生认识到,这些人都是真实的人,他们把自己的身体捐给了科学.

Virtual Cadaver 3“他们都同意以这种方式利用自己的身体来进一步了解他们从未见过的人. 他们的捐赠会影响到这么多人,这真是太神奇了。.

And, like those who sacrificed their bodies for science, donors like the Schultzes will have an impact on so many, for many years to come.

“一般来说,教育方法的演变在教育领域是惊人的, and in particular, in health care,” said Greg. “未能接受这些新技术进步的院校注定会落后于同行,失去有抱负的学生的兴趣. 我认为最好的教育可以通过使用令人兴奋的先进技术以及指导导师或教授的协助来实现, stimulate and challenge those trying to learn.”


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