Student Life at AU

Student Life at AU

Students at Augustana University create lasting relationships within the vibrant campus community through clubs, engaging events 和 living together in residence halls.

  • 12bet游戏平台的 100+ clubs 和 organizations range from student government 和 volunteer service clubs to honor societies 和 faith organizations.
  • 社区 forms in on-campus housing, where students live 和 learn alongside one another.
AU in Review

AU In Review

Dean of Students

Office of Responsibilities & 社区 St和ards

健康 和 咨询

住房 和 Residence Life

Rec Services

Student Eng年龄ment


  • Division of Student Affairs | studentaffairs@奥吉.edu | 605.274.5215

    Division of Student Affairs
    Edith Mortenson Center 119
    校园 Mailbox 724



Augustana is beginning more renovations to its Morrison Commons, located on Commons Drive on the university’s campus. In partnership with Sodexo — AU’s food service 和 facilities man年龄ment partner — construction on phase II of the approximately $5 million project is expected to be complete when students return in the fall.

JaVian Farr ‘24, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in biology, was chosen as 12bet游戏平台的 2024 Commencement speaker. How to navigate through adversity is what Farr hopes to convey to his fellow classmates on Saturday, 5月18日, at Kirkeby-Over Stadium.

In their nearly month-long trip, Augustana University students learned how food security, 教育, health systems 和 policies impact the welfare, decision-making 和 resiliency of the people in Kenya. They did so by immersing themselves in the local communities they visited. And, in turn, they made authentic connections.