
By Keeley Meier '20 | February 22, 2024
Study Away 2024

At Augustana, 超过50%的学生在毕业时出国留学,几乎是全国平均水平的五倍. Through the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program现在,又有四名奥古斯塔学生有机会把整个世界变成他们的教室.

Susana Gebrekidan ‘26, Ashley Grandpre ‘24, 25岁的Rachida Mahamed和26岁的Alena Vishnevsky是2023-24年度吉尔曼奖学金的获得者,该奖学金允许那些可能无法出国留学的学生.

Susana Gebrekidan ‘26

Susana苏福尔斯的苏珊娜·格布雷基丹(Susana Gebrekidan)曾在非洲厄立特里亚工作,现在是一名政府官员 & international affairs and international studies double major. 她正在南非度过春季学期,通过非西方的视角学习政治和政府. 

“I'm specifically taking courses on geopolitics, 发展中国家的经济状况以及很多我非常感兴趣的事情比如非政府组织,” Gebrekidan said. “我想做的主要事情是关注我的大陆,在教育等领域工作, 政府或健康——这是我非常热衷的三件事. And, whether it be in my own country or South Africa, 我的最终目标是真正帮助(找到)对每个国家最好的东西,以及我们如何推动非洲大陆的发展.”


“艾琳•凯恩(IPO临时联席董事兼留学顾问)是我对在13年后去一个不同的国家、回到我的大陆感到信心十足的主要原因之一. If she says she's going to help you, she's going to help you, and I think her help was immense,” said Gebrekidan. “Umaima Koch (international student & study-away advisor) was also right there with me. She was telling me more about it — what things to expect.”

Ashley Grandpre ‘24

Ashley Grandpre

阿什利·格兰普雷是南达科他州拉皮德城的一名护理专业学生. 她于1月在厄瓜多尔参加了“向领导力过渡”的护理课程 & Professional Practice.

“我选择厄瓜多尔作为我的留学目的地是因为那里有学习西班牙语的机会, 有价值的接触不同的医疗系统和治疗方式, and the unique health challenges that cannot be found locally,” Grandpre said. “我还热情地选择了厄瓜多尔,因为我被为服务不足的人群建立临时诊所的机会所吸引.

“Throughout this experience, 我与首都基多的各种组织以及Misahuallí周围的偏远丛林社区合作. 我也有机会在基多的医院做临床工作, 这让我对另一个国家的护理有了身临其境的体验.”

Grandpre, who plans to become a labor & delivery/postpartum nurse following graduation, 她说,她在厄瓜多尔的经历增强了她对具有文化敏感性的病人护理的理解. 

“吉尔曼奖学金的价值观和目标与我致力于培养护理文化能力的承诺一致-使我能够为患者护理带来更具包容性和知情的方法,” said Grandpre.

Rachida Mahamed ‘25


苏福尔斯的Rachida Mahamed和喀麦隆的雅温得是一个政府 & international affairs and international studies double major. She’s spending the spring semester in Brussels, Belgium. 

“出国留学是拓展世界知识的最佳途径之一, 打破偏见,成为一个充满同情心的世界公民,” Mahamed said. “我喜欢去新的地方,喜欢和不同背景的人建立联系. 吉尔曼奖学金让我能够做到这一点,因为它消除了伴随出国留学梦想而来的经济障碍.”

马哈默德正在布鲁塞尔管理学院(Brussels School of Governance)进行独立研究. She said she hopes to advance in her French studies. After Augustana, 穆罕默德计划支持妇女领导的组织在全球南方对抗基于性别的问题.

“This scholarship is allowing me to develop as a student and, as someone who aspires to work in public service, lessening the burden of costs,” said Mahamed. “With this scholarship, I will be able to expand my network of mentors, friends and goals by connecting with those around me.”

Alena Vishnevsky ‘26

Alena Vishnevsky

阿莱娜·维什涅夫斯基来自苏福尔斯,主修政府专业 & international affairs, languages, literatures & cultures, as well as Spanish. She is spending the spring semester in Buenos Aires, Argentina, taking several cultural, social and political courses in Spanish, as well as a government course in English.

“我选择这个国家是因为我从8岁到16岁都在那里长大,” Vishnevsky said. “It will always be my second home. Also, 我想继续学习西班牙语,并以游客的身份以新的视角再次体验这座城市.”

维什涅夫斯基正在考虑成为一名外交官员或在美国国防部工作.S. 美国大使馆也对凯恩在申请过程中的支持表示感谢.

“Simply put, 获得这项奖学金对我来说意义重大,因为我从来没有想过我能负担得起出国留学的费用,” said Vishnevsky. “It is allowing me to make one of my dreams come true.”

为了使学生有资格获得吉尔曼奖学金计划, they have to be Federal Pell Grant eligible, a U.S. 美国公民,正在申请或接受可获得学分的海外学习或实习计划. Students must apply at gilmanscholarship.org但是凯恩和12bet中文官方平台经济援助办公室需要先在他们的申请上签字. 吉尔曼奖学金计划的下一轮申请将于3月7日星期四截止.

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