Augustana Student and 教师 Member Awarded Harold Spitzn年龄l Medal for Achievement in Art

吉尔·威尔逊(Jill Wilson) | 2024年5月1日

The university is proud to announce that the Augustana Art Department has presented its highest award — the Harold Spitzn年龄l Medal for Achievement in Art — to Augustana student Gracie Korstjens ‘24 and Augustana faculty member John Henry Peters ‘76. The two were awarded the prestigious medal during the opening reception of the Augustana Senior Show at the Eide/Dalrymple Gallery on Friday, 4月26日.


“Personally, the most significant aspect of receiving this award is the community it represents. 它不仅承认了我自己的成就, but places me among a group of truly remarkable individuals. 更重要的是, it reflects the support and guidance I've received from my mentors at Augustana throughout all of these years. They've been truly instrumental in shaping me as an artist and as a person. This award recognizes not just my artistic journey, 但整个网络让这一切成为可能,克斯特延斯说.


Korstjens, an art and biology double major, is from Milbank, South Dakota. While at Augustana, Korstjens concentrated on printmaking. 


“Biology and printmaking have much in common — often mimicking each other in a variety of ways. Both subjects involve close observation and exploration, along with problem solving and transformation of materials. Experimentation exists with replication in both fields,克斯特延斯说, who has been accepted into the Master of Fine Arts (MFA) program in printmaking at Tufts University in Boston, 麻萨诸塞州.

“The conversations her work facilitates are incredibly important, 我钦佩她的勇气和无畏,” noted Augustana Art Department Chair Anna Reich. 


“格雷西是一个社区建设者. 她风度翩翩, an excellent listener and attentive to those around her,Eide/Dalrymple画廊总监Dr. 林赛环球航空公司. “Although she is absolutely committed to her studio practice and goals of being a professional artist, 她不以自我为中心地工作, 带着谦逊的好奇心.”


The Augustana Art Department also awarded the medal to a faculty member, a rare distinction.


“作为一名1976年的奥古斯塔校友, and one who is the cornerstone of our art department, it seemed only fitting that this specific medal be awarded to John Henry Peters,Twa说。.


“The Harold Spitzn年龄l Award means a great deal to me. I am immensely humbled and honored that my colleagues decided to include me in this amazing group of Spitzn年龄l Award recipients. 我非常感激,彼得斯说。, Augustana Eide/Dalrymple Gallery coordinator and sculpture instructor.


Peters is acclaimed as an impactful teacher and mentor, as well as an inspiring artist in his own right. 


“He provided me with the space and support I needed to grow — demonstrating the qualities of an extraordinary teacher who allows individuals to create authentically while offering guidance when needed,24岁的海莉·霍弗说, a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) student in sculpture. “His phenomenal dedication during my time as his student has left an enduring influence on my life.”  


“John has the biggest heart of anyone I have had the opportunity to work alongside,” remarked Reich. “He is always ready to lend a hand, listen and support. 作为一名艺术家, this same level of care he gives his colleagues and students manifests in the meticulous nature of his work.”


Only two other faculty members have received the medal — Carl Grupp, who founded the Eide/Dalrymple Gallery and Augustana’s printmaking program, 1994年获此奖章. 罗伯特·奥尔登,51岁, who worked for Spitzn年龄l in the 1950s at the time of the medal’s inception and later became a professor of art and chair of the department, 1996年获此殊荣. 


最近, Alexa (Lammers) Becker ‘22 and Gracie Rothering ‘22 were awarded the medal as Augustana students in 2022.


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The Harold Spitzn年龄l Medal for Achievement in Art is given to artists who demonstrate the highest standards of excellence in their artistic endeavors throughout their careers at Augustana. The award is only bestowed occasionally, and was first awarded in 1959.


The Harold Spitzn年龄l Medal was designed in 1957 by Ogden Dalrymple, 奥古斯塔艺术荣誉教授. Over the course of the history of the award, two sets of the bronze medals have been struck. 在2023-24学年开始时, the Augustana Art Department held one last original medal that still read “Augustana College.” Thanks to the support of past Spitzn年龄l awardees, 奥古斯塔艺术项目和TSP的朋友, 公司.,一套新的铜牌被铸造出来. These had only one update from Dalrymple’s original design — the medals now read “Augustana University.”


To learn more about the Augustana Art Department, visit 奥吉.edu/ArtDepartment.
