拉美裔 & 奥斯瓦尔多·马格纳-华雷斯25年的拉丁语课


Augustana understands the value and impact that historically marginalized people have on communities all over the world — recognizing that this university would not be the place it is without these students, 教职员工. 在“At AU”系列中, the university aims to showcase these exceptional people so we can all hear their voices in an effort to foster positivity and create awareness of their experiences on campus.

Osvaldo Magana-Juarez, 25岁对于拉美裔 & 拉丁传统月从9月11日开始庆祝. 15日至10月. 15 — Augustana is featuring Osvaldo “Ozi/Ozzie/Ozzy” Magana-Juarez ‘25, 在南苏城, 内布拉斯加州. Magana-Juarez, 金融和会计双学位, 是La Unión Hispana的一部分, 经济俱乐部和12bet游戏平台桌面游戏组织. 他会说英语和西班牙语.


A: My uncle recommended it to me when some other college plans went south and I’m quite happy he did! 我爱奥吉,那是个很有趣的地方.


A: It’s close to home while still granting me freedom to do what I want, 也就是说,如果事情出了差错, 我仍然可以依靠我的家人. I also really liked the campus and combined with the recommendation from my uncle, 我把他看得很重, 这是我的一个主要卖点.


A: To become an accountant and help my community with its financial needs so those struggling can find their footing to get out of poverty. 我希望, 运用我的技能和能力, to be that stepping stone out of poverty because while giving someone money will help, another useful tool is the knowledge on how to use it so they can continue to make it grow.


A: It can be hard at times because there aren’t that many 拉美裔s on campus compared to any other ethnicity or minority as far as I have seen. So, to me it feels like there’s no one else who shares my culture here on campus, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing because it gives me the opportunity to talk about my culture and spread it to those who aren’t as familiar with it. However, it still sucks that there aren’t as many people I can relate to. There is also the case with microaggressions where people will avoid my path (even during the day but mostly at night), so it sort of forces me to go out of my way and avoid people so I don’t make them feel uncomfortable. The occurrences are rare but they do happen and while it sucks, I understand why these things happen. 尽管如此, 虽然, the environment in my classes is wonderful and I enjoy all my classes and professors. 再加上各种社团,大学生活相当有趣!

Osvaldo Magana-Juarez, 25岁问:12bet游戏平台你们的文化,你希望别人了解什么? 

A: That there’s much more than just the stereotypical tacos, tequila, gangs, etc. I want to show people the other great food that we have to offer and not only that, 但是我们的风俗可以很有趣! Just showing the way we celebrate birthdays and gatherings because of how different they are but also how fun. Also to break some of the stereotypes, like where some people believe 拉美裔s are aggressive. 并非每个人都是如此. I want to show the culture behind families where they love each other deeply and how much effort the mom and dad put in for their kids, but also how the siblings stick up for each other and how the whole community with many families sticks together and helps each other out when they need it.

Q: Are you a part of any affinity groups or 拉美裔/Latinx-centered organizations on campus or outside of AU? If so, what does it mean to you to be a part of something such as this? 作为公司的一员,你希望达到什么目标?

答:我是La Unión Hispana的一员,虽然去年我做得不多, 今年我是财务主管, so I’m hoping I can be a bit more involved in the club and help plan fun events that help bring awareness but also get others involved in 拉美裔 culture. Being a part of this club means I have the opportunity to express my culture and get others involved. I’m hoping the club is able to grow larger and fund larger events so maybe we can host large parties that resemble those from my culture.

Q: Is there someone at Augustana who has been inspirational to you or helped guide you throughout your time at AU? 如果有,如何?

A: Mili Aguilar(25年), 手了, has been a large help in keeping me focused and motivated to keep trying my hardest here at Augie. I first met Mili when she was my peer mentor for the Journey Scholars Program and through that program I’ve had the opportunity to talk with Mili frequently about everyday life to school. 我们定期安排会议,但他们不觉得被迫. 而, it was enjoyable and made school easier since she could give me tips on homework and other things since she was already a sophomore. Another thing I enjoy talking with Mili about is our culture and our childhoods because we lived similar experiences so having her to relate to has been a great help. She provides great advice that just keeps me going and her optimism and cheerful attitude always brightens my day. Mili has given wonderful advice that has helped me access opportunities I wouldn’t have known about otherwise, 我相信, 没有她, 我在奥吉的日子会更艰难. Mili is also 拉美裔 and seeing how hard she tries and how far she’s come in an institution where there aren’t many 拉美裔s to begin with fills me with determination to succeed just like her.

欲了解更多12bet游戏平台“At AU系列”,请访问 奥吉.edu/AtAU.
