Augustana University Announces Annual Colloquium Focused on Critical Inquiry & 公民身份

Harvard University Professor and World-Renowned Philosopher Dr. Michael Sandel Named Inaugural Speaker

Generously supported by Rosemarie and Dean Buntrock and in partnership with the 西方研究中心 (CWS), Augustana University is excited to announce the establishment of the Critical Inquiry & 公民座谈会与博士. 迈克尔·桑德尔,安妮·T. 罗伯特·M. Bass Professor of Government at Harvard University, as the inaugural featured speaker. The world-renowned philosopher and author will give a keynote presentation to the Augustana community, 校友和朋友们晚上7点.m., 10月11日星期四. 26, in the Elmen Center to kick off the 2-day colloquium, with a book signing following the event.

“We are incredibly grateful to Rosemarie and Dean Buntrock for their support of this meaningful new endeavor which furthers the university’s mission, reflects our core values and advances our commitment to prepare students to influence and lead change as they serve all aspects of society,” said Augustana President Stephanie Herseth Sandlin.

“A healthy and strong democracy requires citizens with well-developed critical thinking and communication skills, a willingness to listen and understand different points of view and the ability to actively eng年龄 in civil discourse. Our support of this new colloquium at Augustana University is an investment in further equipping the next generation to lead and serve with integrity, 同理心和智慧,迪安·邦特罗克说, 在哥伦比亚长大的人, 南达科塔州, and is the founder and former CEO of Waste Man年龄ment, 公司.

批判性探究 & 公民的讨论会 is designed to promote civil discourse and deep reflection with the goal of enhancing students' skills to think critically and communicate persuasively as citizens of a pluralistic society. Sandel’s books relate themes of political philosophy to some of the most thought-provoking moral and civic questions of our time. Tyranny of Merit: What's Become of the Common Good? helps identify how we have come to a place where so many feel left behind and the consequences within modern American society. 他的书 Democracy's Discontent goes beyond economic and political unease to the more general fraying of the fabrics of democratic society, and then drawing into his philosophy about civic responsibility as the answer to repairing the fractures. 

Sandel has been a pioneer in the use of new technology to promote global public discourse. His course “Justice” is the first Harvard course to be made freely available online and on television — viewed by tens of millions of people around the world, 包括在中国, where Sandel was named the “most influential foreign figure of the year” by China 新闻week. In the BBC series “The Global Philosopher,” Sandel leads video-linked discussions with participants from more than 30 countries on the ethical aspects of issues, such as immigration and climate change.

“Dr. Sandel is the perfect inaugural speaker for the Critical Inquiry & 公民的讨论会.  Whether in a classroom or facing an audience of thousands, Sandel pulls people of differing opinions into constructive dialogue — helping them see the strengths and weaknesses in each other’s arguments and enhancing mutual understanding, which is an essential element of civic life,”医生说。. 乔约翰逊, division chair of social science and Sanford 健康 Peter Schotten Distinguished Professor of Government & International Affairs at Augustana, who served for three years as the head teaching fellow for Sandel’s “Justice” course.

Sandel’s global lectures have taken him across five continents and packed venues such as St. 伦敦的保罗大教堂, 英格兰, the Sydney Opera House in Australia, the Public Theater in New York’s Central Park, 以及首尔的露天体育场, 韩国.

在美国.S., Sandel has served on the President's Council on Bioethics and is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. A graduate of Brandeis University, he received a doctorate from Oxford University, 他是罗德奖学金获得者吗.

Information regarding tickets to the 2023 Critical Inquiry & 公民的讨论会 will be available at a later date.
