
By AU Strategic Communications & Marketing | July 06, 2022
Olivia Bertino '22

Augustana University student Olivia Bertino ‘23 is a journalism, Spanish, business administration and marketing quadruple major from Omaha, Nebraska. She is interning this summer at Levitt at the Falls -全国户外莱维特音乐场所网络的一部分,致力于通过免费的夏季音乐会加强社区的社会结构. Bertino得到了在音乐会系列之前设计Levitt的印刷材料的机会, and now acts as an event facilitator.

Q: What extracurricular activities are you involved in?

A: I am the editor-in-chief of The Augustana Mirror, 在写作中心担任导师,并为梅根·拉波萨15岁的每周时事通讯工作, Sioux Falls Simplified. 

Q: What are your career goals/aspirations?

答:我的专业列表本身就说明了这一点,但我有很多职业目标. I’d like to eventually run a publication, 当我到达人生的那个点时,不管它是什么样子. 我还希望获得传播学硕士学位,将我的新闻和营销技能结合起来, and potentially keep studying to teach collegiately. More immediately, though, 我热爱我在非营利组织的市场营销工作和为时事通讯撰写的工作, 所以我希望在投身于一个固定的职业选择之前,我能花点时间在“成人世界”中做这两件事.

Q: Where or how did you hear about Augustana?

答:我在一个大学寻找者数据库中搜索潜在的选择,这个数据库是基于小型私立学校最好的新闻专业的. 有一年夏天,我在苏福尔斯打垒球,我想我不妨去看看校园. 

Q: What is/are the reason(s) you chose to come to Augustana?

A:让我对12bet游戏平台印象深刻的是我在高二的时候第一次参观它. I was able to meet Dr. Jeffrey Miller, professor of journalism, 他立刻对我的学术和职业目标产生了兴趣. I knew he had my best interest at heart, 我相信他会教我,让我为从事新闻工作做好准备. 我也很喜欢校园的感觉,苏福尔斯市是一个隐藏的中西部宝石. Augustana was the first school I toured, and I knew it was my one and only choice, and the only school I applied to.

Q: What will your job duties include?

A:今年春天,我负责Levitt所有的印刷营销材料. 我整理了我们的季节宣传册,一份48页的全彩文件. I also made our “rack card,这是一张半页纸大小的纸,上面写着音乐会的日程安排和其他信息. Those are both given to all of the sponsors, donors, board members, as well as handed out at every concert. There are a bunch of other things I designed — giant banners, hand fans, magnets, posters, social media posts and more. Now that the concerts have started, I mostly help with set up and tear down, which includes a lot of “zhooshing,” as our team calls the design. I’m our photographer for every concert, I manage our social media, 帮助收集草坪上的调查,并作为我们的顾客的另一个友好的面孔.
Q: How did you get the internship? Did anyone help you? What did that journey look like?

A:我在网上寻找市场营销的实习机会来满足我的学分要求, and I remembered that Director of Journalism Dr. 珍妮特·布兰克-天秤座已经开始定期发放实习机会, so I sorted through some of those. 在了解了期望的职责和工作时间后,我觉得这是一个完美的选择. 他们所缺乏或更需要的技能正是我最擅长的, like Adobe systems and DSLR cameras. I submitted my resume and cover letter, a few days later we scheduled an interview, and a few days after that, I was hired. From discovery to my first day was only about two weeks. 莱维特很兴奋要开始了,我也很兴奋能见到大家,开始工作. 

Q: What do you like most about your internship?

A: The Levitt team is a tiny-but-mighty family. Everyone is so kind, loving and supportive all of the time. I constantly feel appreciated and respected for everything I do. 我们的执行董事南希·霍尔沃森(Nancy Halverson)是我能想到的最好的例子. She’s always poised, positive, strong and a natural leader. I’m lucky to be around that every day. 我的上司Rose Ann Hofland是我见过的最善解人意的老板. 她信任我,把大项目交给我,在我需要帮助的时候支持我. 14岁的雅各布·米勒是我们的新运营总监,他非常体贴周到. 在我投入工作之前,他会确保我吃过饭,涂过防晒霜,照顾好自己. 劳拉·马伦,我们的志愿者协调员,非常快乐,充满爱心. 她一直给我们带来款待,但她照顾我们所有人,保护整个团队. 我很幸运,每天都有这么多爱我、支持我的人在身边. 

Q: What do you hope to learn/gain from the internship?

A:我想找一份实习工作,这样可以为我的简历积累一些素材, and I’ve definitely gotten those. 我做了很多材料来展示我未来工作的能力. I was also very excited to make new connections. 因为莱维特博物馆是靠社区的捐款和赞助来运作的, I’ve met a lot of notable people in the Sioux Falls community. 现在的商界对我来说有很多熟悉的面孔, 这些对任何想要进入职场的人来说都是非常宝贵的. 


A: While my classes at Augustana are invigorating, 参加考试并回答12bet游戏平台不同主题的论文问题与实际应用这些问题并为公司创造有意义的东西是非常不同的. 我的实习是我在12bet游戏平台学到的知识和毕业后每天要做的实际工作之间的一个很好的联系. 

Q: How important is building relationships/connections?

A:苏福尔斯可能是南达科他州最大的城市,但外面的世界可真小. Through my various internships, 我在城里的一些大企业和组织之间建立了联系, including Sanford and Avera Health, Lloyd Companies, multiple law firms, 其他营销和印刷公司以及苏福尔斯社区的许多其他明星成员.

Learn about the 2,12bet中文官方平台学生成功中心每年发布的工作岗位和实习岗位 Augie Opportunities.

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