Flexible 住房

Tuve Flex 住房

Augustana University is proud to offer flexible housing in theme houses, apartment communities and select floors in our residence halls. For the 2023-24 academic year, flexible housing floors are on the first floor (east wing) of Bergsaker Hall, the first floor of Granskou Hall and the first floor of Stavig Hall. This means that students may select roommates or housemates regardless of gender. While groups may still select to have single gender roommates or groups, Augustana offers flexible housing to foster a campus climate that is welcoming, inclusive and supportive of all students.

The selection of flexible housing spaces will be by student choice only, and no student will be assigned to a flexible housing living situation without their express consent.

Flexible 住房 Rights & Responsibilities

  1. Any student selecting a space in the above stated communities may request roommate(s) regardless of gender identity.
  2. Students opting for flexible housing will not be asked for reasoning for their selection.
  3. Students will not be assigned to flexible spaces unless they explicitly request to do so.
  4. Flexible housing is not intended and strongly not recommended for romantic couples of any kind. Student Affairs discour年龄s romantic couples from living together, regardless of gender identity.
  5. There is no specific limit or number of flexible spaces in theme houses and apartments.
  6. While a student is legally able and responsible for selecting flexible housing, students are encour年龄d to have an open dialogue with their families regarding their selection.
  7. Should an apartment or theme house have a roommate leave the space, it is the responsibility of the remaining residents to identify a new roommate or cover the cost of the vacancy. Student Affairs reserves the right to identify new roommates who may be interested in flexible housing, however if one cannot be identified, the space will be filled based on the legal 性 of the remaining residents.
  8. Augustana is committed to providing equal access to and participation in employment opportunities and in programs and services, without regard to race, color, 宗教, 信条, 性, 怀孕, 性ual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, 祖先, 年龄, 资深地位 或残疾. Students selecting any on-campus housing option have the right to a safe living environment. If aspects of someone’s living situation constitute a violation of the university’s standards of conduct for harassment, discrimination or other civil rights offenses, contact the Office of Student Affairs or Dean of Students Office to seek additional resources, including confidential reporting resources.