Womxn of Augustana University: Janae Becher '24

March 01, 2023
Womxn of AU

12bet游戏平台理解历史上被边缘化的人对世界各地社区的价值和影响——认识到如果没有这些学生,这所大学就不会有今天, faculty and staff. In the "At AU" series, 这所大学的目标是展示这些杰出的人,这样我们都能听到他们的声音,努力培养积极性,并让人们意识到他们在校园的经历.

三月是妇女历史月,12bet游戏平台将邀请珍妮·比彻24岁, a double major in biochemistry and German from New Prague, 明尼苏达州. Becher plays the French horn in The Augustana Band, 他是皮特管弦乐队的小号演奏家,也是维京军乐队(VMB)的现场指挥。. 她是奥吉格林和12bet游戏平台自行车俱乐部(ABC)的主席,也是12bet游戏平台自行车俱乐部的首席养蜂人. She is a photographer for the 埃达, Augustana’s yearbook, 并与生物和化学部门一起对蜜蜂面包进行研究. Becher plans to pursue a Ph.D. 在一所大学攻读生物化学专业,这使她能够继续研究分析蜜蜂面包的发酵过程. 然后,她想在大学里继续跨学科研究——教授下一代实验室技术,激发他们对科学的热情.

Janae Becher '24Q: Where or how did you hear about Augustana?


Q: What is/are the reason(s) you chose to come to Augustana?

答:我被介绍给理学院,我能够和他们建立个人联系,感觉就像在家里一样. When I went to the School of Music, 当我为我的专业音乐奖学金试镜时,我也有过非常相似的经历.

Q: What is it like for you to be a woman at AU?

A: Being a woman at Augustana has been an up-and-down journey. 作为一名STEM领域的女性,在奥吉大学,像我这样的专业人士并不多. My classes are mostly men, especially in the upper-level chemistry classes. Growing up, I did not see many women portrayed in the media who were STEM majors, especially in children's content. 我觉得我终于能够在校园里找到我的女性榜样,她们让我成为了今天这个充满激情的科学家. I was really excited to see Womxn In STEM become a club on campus. Their open discussion panel was really eye opening; seeing others in my field who have struggled in the past and that they had to fight to be respected. 当我看到他们变得多么成功时,这给了我继续前进的动力. 

Janae Becher '24Now that I have settled into my role as president of Augie Green, I feel I have gained much support behind me on campus. 我在苏福尔斯市议会作证,以便修改养蜂条例,允许教育校园参与. I have organized events like the World Wide Climate Change Teach In (WWCCTI) with a team full of amazing women; my entire team of officers for both Augie Green and ABC are women. Because of this, I hope to show how strong women leaders can be. 现在我们有了第一位有色人种女性主席和奥古斯塔学生协会(ASA)的副主席, 这让我觉得我们可以在校园里做更多的事情,事情正在变得更好.

Q: Have you been involved with any women-centered initiatives at AU? If so, which ones and why?

A: I have not been involved with women-centered initiatives, but I have been a part of many women-led initiatives on campus. These include a theatre production called 子宫, the WWCCTI, transition of bikes from ABC to recreational services, Earth Week, beekeeping program, Augustana Garden, composting on campus and many other projects. 奥吉大学的女性一直在推动校园的可持续发展,我认为这表明我们致力于为子孙后代改善我们的世界,并使其他人也能这样做.

Janae Becher '24Q: Are there any women in particular at AU or elsewhere who inspire you?

A: I have been inspired by two specific women on campus: Drs. Jetty Duffy-Matzner and Carrie Olson-Manning. Dr. Duffy is my chemistry advisor, 是我2022年的研究导师,去年秋天的有机化学II和高级有机化学教授. 她帮助我在校园里找到了自己的方向——让我能够在自己的研究思路中前进,并鼓励我开始自己的研究方向. Not only does she encour年龄 me within the STEM fields, 而是积极地与我和其他同学生活的许多方面保持联系. She keeps up with the VMB, watches Augie band concerts and theatre performances, talks to me about my family, participates in some of the Augie Green events and speaks at Augie events. 她讲述了自己在西点军校的经历,并成为了班里唯一一个在犯罪实验室工作的女性, she has inspired me to go forth with all my ambitions. She is also a really great ballroom dancer! I have been going to monthly dances and I always see her and Dr. (Steven) Matzner dancing so gracefully across the floor! She is resilient! 她告诉我,她过去在学校和职业生涯的各个方面都面临着性别歧视,你必须坚持下去, but not accept the behavior. Once you stop fighting is when they win. 她告诉我,当她刚到奥吉大学时,她是为数不多的女教授之一,她很高兴看到它已经走了这么远,她希望更多STEM专业的女性能感受到被包容.

Dr. Olson-Manning was my genetics professor, research advisor for 2022, 我2023年继续研究的顾问,也是我的养蜂顾问之一. 她帮助我发现了自己在跨学科领域的兴趣,并通过自己的成功向我展示了这是可能的. She has encour年龄d me to continue my research from 2022, 并在2023年春夏期间在她的实验室担任研究员. She shared about her own journey through STEM as a geneticist, evolutionist and computer programmer and how others gave her funny looks. 她坚持了下来,成为了一名了不起的科学家,她有很多很酷的项目,让新生对研究感到兴奋. 她给了我工具,让我能像她一样,抛开那些目光,并给了我勇气,让我组建自己的团队,涵盖遗传学, microbiology, analytical chemistry and synthetic chemistry. 

奥吉大学的这两位女士都鼓励我做真实的自己,不要向那些认为我做得太多的人屈服. 他们告诉我,善良和坚强会让我走得更远,我必须坚持下去, as nothing will change unless I work to make it happen.

To learn more about the "At AU Series," visit 奥吉.edu/AtAU.

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